Sapphire Scientific Plastics provides precision measurement and inspection services. Utilising specialist equipment to provide accurate inspection solutions for difficult to measure applications.
Instruments include programmable CNC controlled coordinate measurement machines (touch probe and optical), various hand-held micrometers, dial indicators, height gauges, range of granite blocks for setting up consistent conditions for serialised inspection. With a vast assortment of inspection instruments, there is always the right tool for the job.

Zeiss Contura G2
Reputable & proven Zeiss VAST XXT touch probe system featuring various interchangable touch probes with automatic tool changer, capable of active scanning of complex contours and surfaces. Combined with the articulating head, this enables acurate and repeatable inspection of complex components.
Combined with Zeiss Calipso inspection software, this provides an industry recognised system which aids in compatibility, confidence, and repeatability.

OGP SmartScope Flash 200
Optical CMM has specific advantages over physical touch for the inspection of components manufactured from softer materials. This system features fully programmable auto/semi-automatic sequencing which facilitates high throughput serial inspection.

Hand-held inspection instruments & Calibrated Gauge Blocks
Sometimes a more traditional method employing micrometers, verniers, height gauges, go/no-go gauges and calibrated gauge blocks can be a more efficient method for inspection of basic or straightforward requirements.
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